Ocipaws Ocicats began with the purchase of littermate
boys, Bert and Bubba. After having them for some months I, along
with some prompting from the breeder, decided to show Bert. So began
my Ocicat show career. Shatori Tradecentric, better known as 'Bert',
became my first Grand Premier. Thank you, Victoria Garvin, for
allowing me to start my show career and begin breeding this wonderful
breed of cat.
Bert and Bubba
Creating and developing beautiful, healthy, loving
and playful Ocicats is very rewarding. Seeing a beautiful wild looking
cat with a 'pussycat' temperament is the greatest.
I chose Ocicats because of the wild look, mild temperament
and playful attitude. I believe they would make a wonderful addition
to anyone's home. I am located in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.
Contact me at ocipaws@ocicat.com, or 513/722-5317